Review of conceptual advances in disturbances interactions

The Forest Pest Working Group (FPWG) under the Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) is working towards best practices for analysis, decision-making and action to make forest pest management in Canada more proactive, more coordinated, and ultimately more effective. Its work focuses on developing and implementing a National Forest Pest Strategy, providing an integrated framework […]

Strategic Plan for Climate-Sensitive Growth and Yield Modelling

The Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) is pursuing a collaborative, national level initiative to develop climate-sensitive growth and yield models. The ultimate outcome is envisioned to be a national-level open-source approach, applicable in both managed and unmanaged forests, drawing from a diversity of approaches and models and having characteristics of interoperability, modularity, scalability, and […]

Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy

The Canadian Council of Forest Ministers has spearheaded the development of the Canadian Wildland Fire Prevention and Mitigation Strategy (the Strategy). The Strategy outlines a vision, goals, commitments, and targets to provide a clear path forward for wildland fire prevention and mitigation efforts in Canada. The Strategy highlights the need for a whole-of-society approach and […]

Renewed Forest Bioeconomy Framework

Ministers endorsed a Renewed Forest Bioeconomy Framework. The Renewed Framework builds on the 2017 Forest Bioeconomy Framework for Canada by focusing directly on addressing the continuing challenges the forest sector faces to realize the potential of the forest bioeconomy in Canada. A corresponding set of responsive actions for jurisdictions to implement as appropriate was developed […]

The Canadian Council of Forest Ministers’ framework of Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management in Canada

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers (CCFM) created a framework of Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management in Canada, composed of 6 criteria and 46 indicators. The framework was developed through extensive input from stakeholders in the forest community. This report provides information that will improve public dialogue and decision making on the outcomes desired […]
